Summer Music Camps
Need assistance for Summer Music Camps?
Profits from Music Booster fundraisers help us offer scholarships to several students every year to attend summer music camps. In 2021-22, Music Boosters provided 10 students with Summer Camp Scholarships at an average of $225 per scholarship. We have eliminated the fund raising and volunteer service time requirements to receive a scholarship. To qualify for a scholarship, students must fill out the form below and submit it by NO LATER than May 3, 2024.
We have $5000.00 budgeted for summer music camp scholarships this year. The maximum scholarship for an individual student is $300, or half the cost of camp minus any other scholarships you have received, whichever is less. If we receive so many applications by the due date that we cannot award $300 per person and stay within our budget, scholarships will be prorated to stay within our budget. If there are funds remaining in our camp scholarship budget after awarding scholarships to all on time applicants, we may award partial scholarships to late applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until funds run out. To qualify for a scholarship you must currently be a 6th-11th grade student in good standing who is continuing on in the West Ottawa music program during the 2024-25 school year.
Summer Music Camps
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Angela Reed at