Century Resources

Order a variety of snacks, sweets, and treats perfect for the upcoming holiday season. Everyone likes a treat!

Sale Kicks Off!

Tuesday, October 8th

Each director will be handing the information out to the students on the kickoff day. Included with this information is a wish list from each of the directors. Please note that 60% of the profits from this sale will go directly to these wish lists.

Order Form Due Date:   Wednesday, October 23rd

Order Pick-up Day:   Tuesday, November 19th

NOTE:  Products MUST be picked up on November 19th between 2:45 pm and 6:30 pm.  All middle school orders MUST be picked up at the Harbor Lights Performing Arts Center.  

Money Turn-In Day:  Wednesday, December 4th 

NOTE:  Please make checks payable to WOMB (West Ottawa Music Boosters)


Online order is very EASY to give out of town friends and family a chance to help!


Customers may also pay using their smart phone by scanning the MICROSOFT TAG on the back of the brochure. (Items ordered through a smart phone will be sent with the rest of the order for personal delivery) DO NOT WRITE ONLINE OR CREDIT CARD ORDERS ON YOUR ORDER FORM.

We will need volunteers for both the order pick-up day and the money turn-in day. More information will be coming soon on volunteer specifics.

If you have any questions about the sale, please contact fundraising@westottawamusicboosters.org.