Goodies Factory Popcorn Sale

Do you like eating popcorn?

Please help support the students in the West Ottawa Music Programs by purchasing Goodies Factory Popcorn.  50% of the money collected by your student goes directly to your Music Booster Family Account!  The Music Boosters make NO MONEY from this sale.  It is an opportunity to offset the cost of music classes or to pay for trips.  See the Music Booster Family Account page for more information and for the withdrawal form. 

This fundraiser starts: Tuesday, January 7, 2020.

Order forms Due: Tuesday, January 21, 2020.

Product pickup: Thursday, January 30, 2020 from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Pickup is at the Performing Arts Center at Harbor Lights Middle School.

Popcorn Sale Information

The Goodies Factory popcorn sale includes a variety of types of popcorn!  All products cost $15.  There are two ways to order popcorn from the Goodies Factory.

Option 1

Students will be provided order forms in their class.  The order forms must be filled out and the money collected up front.  The order forms and money should be turned in to your music teacher by Tuesday, January 21, 2020.  Family accounts will be credited with $7.50 for every $15.00 order purchased using the order form.

Option 2

Family accounts will be credited $6.00 for every $15.00 order purchased online. In order to get credit for the online sales, students MUST register online.  Follow these steps:
